
Harvard-Westlake is dedicated to the joyful pursuit of educational excellence. Our curriculum celebrates independent thinking and diversity, encouraging students to discover both themselves and the world around them. Our deans are committed to helping students thrive academically and develop a sense of personal purpose.



Interdisciplinary Studies & Independent Research

Library & Information Literacy


Performing Arts

Physical Education


Visual Arts

World Languages

English Department

English at Harvard-Westlake begins with literature, a kind of mirror in which we see ourselves. As we imagine characters amid their challenges, we are invited to understand our own natures and relationships in fresh terms. Via reflective and analytical writing, we strive to offer our clearest discoveries, not so much to win arguments as much as to inspire further inquiry into the critical issues authors help us explore.

History Department

Harvard-Westlake’s history courses empower students to understand our complex world through a rigorous study of the past. Students read a variety of sources and historiography and are encouraged to confront differing perspectives and points of view. Students will also develop their skills of analytical reading, critical writing, oral presentation, and research using print and digital media. They graduate as lifelong learners in the discipline, equipped with the skills of critical thinking and with a deeper appreciation and understanding of the modern world.

Library & Information Literacy

Harvard-Westlake's libraries encourage the joyful pursuit of learning. Students develop their critical thinking and media literacy through Knowledge Integration and Tools for Success (KITS) in seventh grade and library-supported research in other courses throughout middle and upper school. We foster intellectual growth and civic engagement on both campuses by providing a wealth of print and digital resources to facilitate research.

Visit the library sites:
Middle School Upper School

Mathematics Department

The mathematics department strives to create a stimulating, positive learning environment where students feel comfortable taking risks. Our goal is to guide our students to be thoughtful, independent, confident thinkers when faced with challenging problems, encouraging an appreciation of math and lifelong learning.

Math Course Flowchart
Gallery of Student Work

Physical Education

In the Physical Education department, students challenge themselves through sportsmanlike competition, thus learning lifelong lessons of responsibility, commitment, and initiative. Coaches promote positive self-image through hard work and willingness to take on new challenges.

Science Department

At Harvard-Westlake, students learn to become scientifically literate citizens and develop an appreciation of science as a process for investigation and discovery. The six-year science curriculum emphasizes skills that strengthen students’ abilities for designing experiments, collecting and analyzing data, interpreting and evaluating results, and communicating their findings to others. Students may elect to study a broad range of scientific disciplines, which include biology, chemistry, physics, multidisciplinary science, and earth and space sciences. In addition, opportunities exist for students to pursue their own scientific research with the support of an eclectic faculty and Harvard-Westlake’s extensive laboratory-based resources.

World Languages

The World Languages Department encourages students to learn to communicate efficiently in another language, interpret cultural differences, and develop new perspectives. Students are given the opportunity to explore other parts of the world and learn about themselves while learning about others. The World Languages curriculum promotes language proficiency, global awareness, cultural curiosity, and a love for language learning. Students can choose to study Chinese, French, Spanish, or Latin.

In Academics