
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commitments at Harvard-Westlake

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are integral to Harvard-Westlake’s mission in both our pursuit of excellence and our development of character. Abundant research demonstrates that diversity improves educational outcomes for all students. Furthermore, we aim to instill empathy and humanity, encourage curiosity and openness to different perspectives, and enable our students and all members of our community to discover and express their full selves. Stated most simply, diversity, equity, and inclusion commitments at Harvard-Westlake help us to learn from others, care for others, and understand ourselves.

Student Experience and Curriculum

Harvard-Westlake is committed to:

  • Enrolling and supporting a diverse student community in which all are treated equitably
  • Instilling empathy for others and appreciation for differences of background and perspective
  • Evaluating and improving our curriculum to ensure cultural representation and responsiveness
  • Recognizing the educational value of ideas that are challenging
  • Supporting each student’s sense and expression of self in accordance with the following values:
    • Respect for the dignity and worth of all members of the school community
    • Respect for differing points of view that are offered appropriately and in good faith
    • Respect for the agreements of “courageous conversations” 

Faculty and Staff

Harvard-Westlake is committed to:

  • Recruiting and supporting a diverse faculty and staff in which all are treated equitably
  • Requiring diversity, equity, and inclusion training for all employees
  • Fostering authentic and inclusive professional relationships
  • Supporting each employee’s sense and expression of self in accordance with the following values:
    • Respect for the dignity and worth of all members of the school community
    • Respect for differing points of view that are offered appropriately and in good faith
    • Respect for the agreements of “courageous conversations” 

Culture and Impact

Harvard-Westlake is committed to:

  • Celebrating diversity within and beyond our community
  • Understanding and enhancing community culture through regular self-examination
  • Evaluating and improving our systems, processes, and traditions
  • Sharing our diversity, equity, and inclusion work and resources to make a difference beyond Harvard-Westlake
Courageous Conversations at HW
stay engaged · experience discomfort · speak your truth · expect & accept non-closure · keep an open mind · assume good intentions · always be respectful

*Adapted from Glenn Singleton's Courageous Conversations About Race with permission

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